We went early in the morning to catch the show at 10am. Even Faith, usually woke up late, managed to woke up early. She was excited to see the elephant.
We missed one exit and ended up exited at Bogor! but lucky for us, the show was a bit late, so we didn't miss a thing.
The show was really nice, it combined drama, music and also included live animals from Taman Safari.
Faith was a bit afraid when the music was playing a suspense tunes, but other than that she seemed to enjoy it. I do hope the kids enjoyed it too.
The kids were very nice, they followed their guardian nicely and sat all through the show, even during break!
On the way back we ate at the cars, because there was no place to eat and it was already lunch time.
All the kids ate their food by themselves very neatly (even the little one at 3 y.o) and they even carried the box with them (didn't leave them in the cars).
wah keren banget ya sampe ada live animals nya segala... :)
ReplyDeleteiya keren deh.. jadi pas bagian Nuh masukin binatang, binatangnya beneran ..
DeleteWah keren bgt shownya! Mau ajak madeline ntn ah.
ReplyDeleteiya hrsnya kemarin aku bilang2 ya.. kalo ga salah dia setaun sekali doang.. ini udah taun ke 3.. nanti kalo ada lagi ya aku kasih tau..
Deleteiya keren banget :D
ReplyDeleteiya nih dea.. :)
DeleteKasihan yah Bon anak2 itu pasti mrk seneng banget diajakin ke sana. Entah kenapa kalo anak2 yg hidupnya susah gitu lebih penurut dan mandiri ya. Salut sama kamu dan Toma yang masih sempetin bikin2 acara gini... Kalo aq selama ini cuman end at sumbangan aja *jadi malu*
ReplyDeleteiya mereka lebih pengertian..
Deleteaku baru2 ini kok Mayo.. sebelumnya juga gak pernah..
any kind of help itu bermanfaat Mayo.. sumbangan juga bagus lho..
jgn merasa kecil hatiii :)
Masih ada ga yah? Kemarin padahal diajakin boss tuh, tapi gak jadi terus,..hiksss.. bagus bgt yah?
ReplyDeletesetau aku kemarin cuman sehari doang shownya.. ini udah taun ketiga sih, mungkin taun depan ada ya..
Deletemenurut aku bagus sih, latar panggungnya, vocalnya, ceritanya, animalnya.. nanti next time yaa..
aduh bon, jadi pengen kesitu.. masih ada gak ya bon? sepertinya bagus. ada live animalsnya. kerenn !!!
ReplyDeletesetau aku cuman sehari doang kemarin itu..
Deletemungkin taun depan ada lagi..
nanti kalo ada lagi aku info2 ya hehe