Saturday, 22 September 2012

She doesn't talk yet - no worries!

Setelah menulis panjang lebar tentang Faith yang belom banyak ngomongnya, ketemu link ini dari Link ini cukup menenangkan hati... :)
Aku copy paste disini yaa..

My 18-month-old doesn't talk yet. What should I do? -> Faith udah 20 bulan nih??

Most children have learned to say at least one word by the time they're 12 months old, and it's unusual for a child to not be speaking at all by 18 months. But although it's not typical, your child's situation is not necessarily cause for great concern, either. Boys, especially those under 2, tend to develop language skills more slowly than girls, and some more cautious and reserved children tend to wait until they understand a great deal of what they hear before they actually speak. -> sepertinya Faith termasuk grup yang ini.. 

Look for these signs of language readiness:

• Does your child point? Pointing to something he wants or to pictures in a book is closely related to the beginning of actual speech. -> udah banget dari setaunan.. 

• Does he seem to understand what you say? The ability to understand languageprecedes the ability to talk. If your child seems to comprehend a great deal of what others are saying, he's well on his way to talking. -> ngerti banget, udah bisa disuruh2 pula hehe, kasihin ini ke papa, cium mama, salaman, dada,..kiss bye

• Does your child use gestures and facial expressions to communicate? Many children communicate what they need nonverbally, and in fact most toddlers develop a host of nonverbal signals. Until about 24 months, it's more important that your child is making some kind of effort to communicate than that he has a large vocabulary. -> yup udah

• Does your child grunt? This may seem like a strange question, but new research shows that the little grunts toddlers make while pointing to pictures or playing with toys are actually a kind of commentary. Children who aren't yet talking and don't grunt are more likely to later be diagnosed with a language delay.  -> yup udah, kalo lagi mau sesuatu suka a bit grunting sambil nunjuk2

If your child isn't showing these signs of readiness, you may want to make an appointment for a speech and hearing assessment. Most public schools offer free screenings; if yours doesn't, try contacting the county office of education. In general, the earlier a language delay is detected, the easier it is to treat. Many language problems can be treated very effectively during the preschool years so that your child will have no long-term deficits.

Wah jadi Faith udah menunjukan signs of language readiness.. , ga perlu worry!!
Dasar emak parno!! hehe 
Kira2 emak lain parno kayak g ga ya???


  1. pasti lah parno... hahaha
    dulu andrew juga umur 2 baru mulai ngomong dikit2. sempet worry dan mikir apa perlu speech therapy.

    tapi toh akhirnya ya bisa ngomong juga tanpa terapi. bahkan sekarang jadi bawel banget sampe kadang mesti kita suruh stop biar brenti ngomong. huahaha

    1. sebenernya kalo emang dia belom ready aja ya ga ada masalah, tapi takutnya kalo emang ada problem yang perlu therapy, tapi kita ignore karena pikir nanti juga bisa..
      lucu si andrew yaa hihi ngomongin apa aja tuh? seputar sekolah ya?
