Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Daniel field trip ke Burger King

Daniel's school has two field trips every year, one big and one small ones.
Writing this entry makes me realize that i haven't posted the big field trip to Aquarium (oh no!)
This year's small trip Daniel and his friend went to Burger King close to school.
Before he went, his dad asked whether he would take some burgers home.
Daniel said we'll see.

The kids had fun in Burger King, they took the ice cream from the machine, prepared burgers and did some coloring. They took back a certificate and a packet of burger with fries and drink.

Daniel was so sweet, he didn't eat the burger and said that it was for mama and papa.
Maybe because his papa teased him to take back some burgers home.
So sweet my boy!

at school to get ready
with his friends

saus tomatnya bentuk angka D :)


  1. wah samaa ni banyak utang posting field trip anak2 ci wkwkwk skolah anak2ku jg 2x field trip in a year :) anak2 slalu happy dan nunggu2 yaa kalo field trip.. and daniel is so sweettt :)

    1. iya nih kebanyakan acara anak2 ya jadi gak keuber hehe..
      thank you ya.
