Friday, 22 February 2013

Si 25 bulan

Telat 5 hari dari ulang bulannya Faith.. hehehe kayanya tiap bulan selalu telat ya..
Milestone yang dicapai Faith adalah bisa bilang pipis tiap kali mau pipis dan pup!
Horee.. akhirnya ga usah ngepel2 lantai dan hemat diapers hehe..
Tapi kalau pergi2 masih belom pe de gak pakein diapers..
Coba nanti kalo pas pergi, pake diapers, dia tetep bilang gak ya kalao mau pipis..
Nah sama pas tidur, gimana ya caranya supaya diapers free?

Kosakata juga udah tambah banyak..
Aku seneng kalo dia panggil2 mama mama.. nadanya manja gitu hehe
Terus kalo dibilangin juga udah bisa jawab iya..
Gimana ya, nada bicaranya itu lucu.. :) mungkin karena anak sendiri semua dibilang lucu ya hehe

Terus dia juga ngerti konsep angka dua.., mungkin karena menjelang dia ultah kita suka kasih tau dia umur dua.. terus kita ulang2 terus hehe..
Suka bawa 2 spidol terus bilang "dua.."
atau bawa botol minum sama botol susu, bilang "dua"
atau nunjuk gambar Mickey ada dua, bilang "dua"

Tapi entah kenapa dia gak mau bilang satu atau tiga hehe..
kalo dulu berhitung masih pake bahasa dia sendiri "ikh nya u.." (translation: satu, dua, tiga)
akhir2 ini suka diganti jadi "dua dua dua.." (errrr..)

Terus pernah papanya suruh dia jangan nonton dekat2... dia cuek aja..
Terus papanya bilang.. "Faith, papa itung sampe tiga yaa.. satuu.."
Terus Faith dengan lantangnya bilang "Duaa.."
Mau ketawa deh papanya hehehe...

Mm.., apalagi ya.. oh ya dia juga suka lagu Happy Bday.. , dia bilangnya "Hepiday"
Terus dia asosiasikan lagu itu dengan topi kerucut sama tiup lilin.. :)
Pernah ada gambar balok2, kerucut, dia tunjuk gambar kerucut terus bilang "Hepiday"
Dia juga seneng joget2 pake lagu Happy Bday.. dari slow motion sampe yang tempo cepet hehe..

Lagu lain yang dia suka itu Old McDonald.. , dia bilangnya "eieio"

Yah segitu dulu deh post ulang bulannya ya.. Sehat dan makin pinter ya nak!

Lady Rain? hehe

kompakan pake baju biru sama papa

suka main kuda2/mobil2an maunya boncengan sama boneka, mama, kadang papanya juga disuruh ikut..,
mana muat nakk??

Monday, 18 February 2013

Happy Chinese New Year 2013

Belum telat kan ya? hehehe..
Sebenernya keluarga kita gak ada tradisi merayakan chinese new year.. 
Keluarga aku sih udah blas ga ngerayain..
Kalo mami mertua masih suka makan2 bareng lah..
Ditambah dirumah mertua masih ada pho2nya Toma jadi biasanya sodara suka dateng
So this year seperti taun2 sebelumnya kita spent our cny at her house, makan2 ..
Aku pakein Faith baju ceong sam hehe.. lucu2 lho modelnya sekarang..
Faith makin susah difoto, harus pake camera yang shutter speednya cepet...

Friday, 15 February 2013

Valentine's day reflection : About Marriage

Hi Faith,

Yesterday we took you to a couple cell group because we didn't want to leave you again, as we have left you all day to work. Being a good girl, you sat quietly, although sometimes to ensure you were not bored, we gave you the iPod to help entertain you.  One time you wanted to sit on my lap when I was playing keyboard. It was okay, since you sat nicely and didn't interrupt my playing.

Yesterday was Valentine's day, so the theme was about marriage.
Maybe you were too young to understand about marriage and all its complexities (although you seemed to listen carefully to the sermon :) )
But I wanted to share what we heard last night as a keepsake when you grow up and thinking about one.
Okay, here goes..

Why does a couple fail to work on their marriage?

There are many reasons, but due to the limited time, only two were discussed.

1. Expectation
Before getting married, both man and woman have certain expectations to their bride/groom to be.
Usually a woman expects these qualities on her husband:
  • To be a lover: love her, care about her, give her surprises on special occasion, listen about her
  • To be a provider: have a steady job, good income, nice house and car if possible :)
  • To be a good father: care about his children, participate in raising the children
  • To be able to make her friend's jealous when taking her husband to weddings haha (physical quality) 
  • etc etc..
Usually a man expects these qualities on her wife:
  • To be a good wife: respect him, good cooks, good lover, house taken care of
  • To be able to make his friend's jealous when taking her wife to weddings or other occassion.. (you can see that this is a more important priority in man's expectation). Contrary to women, most men first look for certain physical quality in a woman, her personality comes in second.
  • To be a good mother: children taken care of and at the same time still looks good :)
  • etc etc..
See the words in bold?
I'd like to emphasize that a woman needs to be loved while a man needs to be respected.
That's their basic needs.

So, when they're finally getting married, they became dissapointed when their expectations were not met.
They started to demand certain acts or things from their spouse..
And if those demands were not met, there came endless fights, frustation, which could lead to affair or divorce..
Now, we don't want those to happen, do we?

Maybe you can say that, so then, we have to come to a marriage with no expectation whatsoever?
Well, in reality it is not possible.
We must have some kind of expectations..

When we are already married, there's no turning back.. no divorce should be in every married couple's dictionary. Because divorce is not solving any problem.
Surveys said that divorce rate was bigger in a second marriage than in a first marriage.
In other words, people who failed their first marriage will mostly failed their second marriage as well.

Than what we should do?
The key is to bridge those expectation, to meet in the middle.., to make sacrifices..
Both husband and wife has to make the effort.
The husband has to remember that his wife needs to be loved.
The wife has to remember that his husband needs to be respected.

It is harder to fix things that already broken..
Therefore when you are still single, and thinking about marrying your boyfriend, you have to pay attention to all his details: his faith, his personality, his social status, his education, his races, his family, etc..
I'm not saying that you can't married people with different personality or social status or education or race, etc.. It's just that the gap will be harder to bridge when you are coming from different places. You have to make a lot of sacrifices. So, it's your choice.. the hard way or the easy way.

But I want to make sure that you choose a husband who has the same faith with you.
Because without it, no bridge can be built.
Marriage is like a triangle, with God on the top angle, husband on the left angle and wife on the right angle.
The more a husband and a wife tries to get closer to God, the more they get closer with each other.
If you have different faith, then you are not in the same triangle.

Bored yet? I hope not :)

2. Priorities
Romeo and Juliet fell in love..
They both willing to leave their families to pursue their love..
They even willing to loose their life to become united with their loved one...
Romeo was Juliet's priority and vice versa..

Now, imagine if Romeo and Juliet were already married..
Maybe Romeo was busy chasing his carreer to be a respectful man in the kingdom..
Maybe Juliet was busy raising their two adorable children..
Over the years their priority changes..

Survey said that divorce was most likely to happen after the couple had children.
Because their priority has changed..
Children become their priorities.. not their spouse..

We should go back to the phase when we still make our spouse our priority.

It is hard for me to imagine, but I know one day you will grow up and leave us to make your own life with your chosen husband.
Mama and papa were left with each other.
Therefore mama has to make papa my priority first and you come in second.

Did I confuse you yet?
I know I didn't because you're such a smart girl :)


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Swimming time :)

Pernah post photo disini tentang Faith's first swimming..
Jadi pas umur 4 bulan kita coba2 ajak Faith berenang, pake neck ring..
Tadinya takut dia nangis karena air kolamnya dingin.. tapi ternyata dia senyum2 aja..
Sempet keliatan takut, tapi pas liat kita disebelahnya dia keliatan lebih secure..
Abis gitu lumayan semangat ngajakin dia berenang..
Setelah neck-ring keliatan kekecilan, beli swim-trainer deh..

Tapi entah kenapa, mungkin karena kitanya males, jarang ngajakin berenang, pas umur setaunan, setelah udah beberapa bulan vakum berenang, dia nangis2 tiap kali diajak berenang..
Biasanya diajak berenang sama oma-nya atau papa-nya..
Terus pernah aku yang temenin berenang, eh dia gak nangis, sempet ge-er aja tuh mungkin dia maunya berenang kalau ada aku aja hehehe...
Tapi ya aku emang agak males berenang.. males mandi2/keramasnya hehe jorok ya...
Ya udah jadi sekarang jarang ajakin berenang lagi..

Sampai suatu saat pas lagi main2 Faith liat swim-trainernya..
Terus si Toma tanya Faith mau berenang gak?
Dia ngangguk2..
Dicobain berenang, eh dia seneng...

Trus udah beberapa hari ini diajakin berenang sama oma-nya
Menurut laporan oma dan mbak-nya Faith seneng banget berenang..
Sampe2 gak mau udahan.., kalo diangkat suka ngambek hehe..
Pernah katanya dia udah siap mau berenang, terus si oma lama banget siap2nya..
Eh dia ngambek juga hehe..

Kata kakakku suruh les-in renang aja.. mumpung anaknya mau..
Tapi baru umur 2 taun kekecilan gak sih? ntar aja kali ya 4 taunan?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Pancingan ikan-ikanan

Kejadian ini sebenernya udah agak lama (kayanya sekitar December-an).. tapi baru sempet tulis disini..

Jadi begini, terinsipirasi dari artikel "Gone Fishing" dari The Urban Mama , mama yang sok kreatif dan gak mau beli mainan mahal2 buat anaknya, tertarik bikin sendiri pancing2an ikan.

Bahannya simple aja: sumpit, magnet, kertas, karton, stabilo (krn gak ada spidol), lem dan gunting.

Harusnya sih aku gambar ikan2annya dan Faith yang warnain, tapi berhubung Faith belum terlalu ngerti kalo ngewarnain harus gak keluar garis, dan anaknya juga lagi pergi, jadi mamanya yang did all the works (dasar mama kepo !)

Jadinya kayak gini:
Pancingan ikan2an buatanku
Not bad kan yahhh ikan2an buatanku hehehe??
Si Faith langsung mainin pas dia bangun.. tapi dia lebih suka ngambil langsung ikannya terus kayak diterbangin di angkasa gitu.. padahal ikan kan di kolam bukan di angkasa hehehe..

Nah, kira2 beberapa hari/minggu (lupa) setelah aku buatan mainan ikan2an itu.., suatu siang aku telpon mbaknya dari kantor.. aku tanya Faith lagi apa.. dibilang lagi mainan ikan2an..
Wah seneng dong, ternyata mainan buatanku yang murah-meriah-dan-gak-pake-lama-bikinnya-itu masih aja dimainin sama Faith..

Tapii.. pas udah nyampe rumah aku noticed something different..
Loh kok ada ikan2an baru? pancing2an baru?

Pancingan ikan2an beli
Kata mbaknya iya.. tadi Faith dibawa ke Apotek terus liat mainan ini, dia nangis minta..jadi mba beliin..

Jadi selain dibeliin mainan pancingan ikan baru, mbaknya juga terinspirasi ikan2an buatanku, dia gunting2 gambar ikan di kardus mainannya terus dia staples, jadi ikan2annya tambah banyak..

Terus pas aku mau ganti uangnya, katanya gak usah, murah kok mbak..

Hmmm.. setahu aku si Faith gak pernah sampe nangis sih kalo minta mainan..
Kalo nangis juga sebentar dialihkan ke yang lain dia mau..
Mungkin mbaknya Faith kasian kali ya, orang mainan murah gini, pake bikin2 sendiri.. hehehe
Mungkin mbaknya Faith pikir ini mamanya medit banget hehehe..

Padahal kan maksudnya biar dari kecil dilatih untuk kreatif.. mainan gak harus beli, tapi bikin sendiri..
Untuk bisa memanfaatkan barang yang sudah ada membentuk hal yang baru..bukan cuman menerima..

Ya positive thinkingnya mungkin mbaknya Faith gak berpikir gitu sih, dia cuman mau nyenengin Faith dengan beliin Faith mainan aja.

Ya sudah lah :)